Laws of the Universe |
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Thursday, 23 October 2008 06:19 |
Universal laws are rules or patterns that can be applied to everything in the Universe. It is useful and important to know these laws simply because of the universality of their application. As Above So Below (also known as Law of Analogy, the Law of Affinity, the holographic/fractal nature of the Universe) ![]() For example, let’s say you have discovered that you can improve your health by avoiding junk food, eating high-quality foods instead and excercising regularly. You can then apply the same principles to improve your mental faculties. This would be avoiding the consumption of “mental junk” (i.e. watching TV), reading high-quality texts instead and putting your mind to work (i.e. writing, solving problems, etc.). ![]() Here is a visual example of this law as a video. This is the so-called “Mandelbrot set” which in Mathematics is termed a “fractal”. Notice how the same patterns repeat again and again and that you end up with basically the same pattern as you started with: Law of Attraction (also known Law of Resonance, Karma, “The Secret”) ![]() This is an important Law, since once you know about it you can use it to manifest the things you want in your life. Many people in the spiritual community are working on techniques on how to do this. Law of Harmony (also known as Law of Balance, Law of Symmetry) This law states that the perfect, highest state is that of balance. Harmony is basically the same as balance, because harmony means a consistent, orderly fashion of each component contributing equally. For example, harmonious music is one that contains both high and low, loud and quiet tones. Music that is just loud or just at one tone level is not considered harmonious. A symmetric face is considered beautiful. A harmonious relationship is one where each side both gives and receives (i.e. balanced). Thus you should avoid any great extremes and try to achieve balance and harmony in all areas of your life, because this means you will be closer to a state of perfection and thus happiness. ![]() Note that this does not mean you should do good and bad things equally in your life. This is because good means balanced and bad means unbalanced. Everything that you experience as negative is always the result of some imbalance somewhere, so this is what you want to avoid. ![]() Related to this is also the philosophical concept of the Golden Mean, which states that one should do everything in moderation, avoiding extremes. This is an application of this law in personal conduct, since are you striving for balance.
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 October 2008 11:42 |